Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia

Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia
By Peggy Parish
Parish, Peggy, and Lynn Sweat. Teach Us, Amelia Bedelia. New York: Greenwillow, 1977. Print.

"'Now I have to call it,' said Amelia Bedelia. 'Roll! Hey, roll!!'" I remember thinking the Amelia Bedelia books were so funny when I was younger. I remember the story about her cleaning up the house and making it an even bigger mess! I think the Amelia Bedelia books are ideal for third graders because they are fairly large and are in a sense sarcastic. Amelia Bedelia subs at a school and interprets all of her instructions the wrong way! This causes chaos among the classroom. There is not a central theme or subject that is being presented in this material. However, I do think that after reading these stories students should be able to recognize the difference between phrases and common sayings and literal directions. Amelia Bedelia does not think things out all the way and therefore she has a hard time doing things the right way!
Activity: Explain two things that Amelia did wrong on her day as a substitute teacher. Explain what she did wrong and also explain how she should have followed the directions.

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