Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Pledge Allegiance

I Pledge Allegiance
By June Swanson
Swanson, June, and Rick Hanson. I Pledge Allegiance. Minneapolis, MN: Carolrhoda, 1990. Print.

"In times of trouble, the American flag and the Pledge of Allegiance have special importance." This book contained a great deal of historical information. Therefore I would recommend this book to students who are in the fourth grade- especially since they are learning American history. Many dates were mentioned in the book that helped students learn the different aspects of our country in chronological order. Although the book was very informative, I was somewhat disappointed. There were many fragments and awkward sentences in the story. A lot of sentences started with "And" and "But" which I felt was a bad example to set especially for students who are trying to learn to improve their writing skills. However, the book was very insightful in terms of historical information. I don't think this would be as enjoyable as some of the other books I have read this quarter.
Activity: Think of another sign that Americans use to represent the same things the flag and Pledge of allegiance represent. OR If you had to write a pledge to say for your school every morning, how would it go?

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